Find the smallest and the largest number in an array of integers

Given an array of integers, find the smallest and the largest numbers in the array


- array.length >= 1

- Array is unsorted

- Array can contain duplicate numbers


Input: [2,1,9,4,10,3,7,5,6]

Output: [1,10]

Explanation: 1 is the smallest number in the array, and 10 is the largest number in the given array of numbers


1. Maintain two int variable - min, max - to hold the smallest and the largest number. Initialize both to first element of array.

2. Traverse array from second element.
- compare element to max, if max is less than element, then set max to element.
- compare element to min, if max is greater than element, then set min to element

3. Add min and max in a new array, and retrun array.



Time Complexity O(N)

Space Complexity O(1)

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