Trie - Interview Questions

Trie, also referred to as digital tree or prefix tree, is a tree-like data structure that is used for storage and efficient retrieval of keys, usually strings.

A trie is more efficient than a hashtable and other tree data structures in solving certain string retrieval problems such as looking up a word in a dictionary, looking up an a name in an address book, auto-complete words, etc. In fact, the name 'trie' comes from the word “retrieval”, as the main purpose of using this structure is that it provides fast retrieval.

A trie is an abstract data structure since it internally use other data structures, such as arrays, to provide the trie functionality.

Similar to other data structures, it is important to be thorough with the concepts of trie, the common operations performed on trie, and the efficiency of these operations.

Below interview questions on trie addresses some of these topics. Java programming language will be used for code snippets when applicable to depict the concepts of trie.

1. Describe the structure, properties, and operations of a trie data structure?



Trie is similar to graph data structure. It consists of nodes, with each node containing zero or more child nodes.

Trie is similar to ordered trees where each of the children can either be null or points to another node

If words are stored in the trie data structure, then each alphabet of the word is represented by a node, with each node being a child of the previous node.

For example, the word 'the' is stored in the trie data structure as three nodes, one for each alphabet. 'h' node is a child node of 't' node, and 'e' node is a child of 'h' node.

Properties: Following are some properties of a trie data structure.

  • The max number of child nodes is limited to the key type that is stored in the trie. For example, if english words are stored in the trie which is usually the case, then the max number of child nodes is 26, the number of english alphabets.
  • The depth of the trie equals the max length of the key that is stored in the trie. For example if the words 'the', 'their', 'them' are stored in the trie, then the depth of the trie is 5 (number of alphabets in the longest word 'their')
  • Keys with the same prefix share the same path. For example, the words 'the', 'their', 'them' have the same prefix 'the' and hence share the same path till 'e'

Operations: The key operations supported by trie data structure are:

  • Insertion: Operation to insert words
  • Deletion: Operation to delete words
  • Seraching: Operation to retrieve words

2. Describe the structure of a node in a trie data structure? Write a program that represents a trie node.



A trie node represents an alphabet in a word. So if a word 'hello' is inserted into the trie then five nodes are created, each node representing an alphabet.

A trie node at a minimum contains the following data elements:

  • children[]: An array of child nodes. The size of the array depends on the keys being stored in the trie. For english words the size of this array will be 26 (Number of english alphabets). By default, all elements are set to Null.
  • isEndOfWord: A flag that indicates if this node represents an end of the word alphabet. For example, for the word 'hello', for the node representing the alphabet 'o' - this flag will be true.


  • Attributes
    • isEndOfWord
    • children[]
  • Methods
    • initialization: set isEndOfWord flag to false, and initialize array to size 26.
    • markAsEnd(): This methods sets isEndOfWord flag to true
    • unmarkAsEnd(): This method sets isEndOfWord flag to false


public class TrieNode {

 //indicates end of word
 public boolean isEndOfWord;
 //child nodes
 public TrieNode[] children;
 //max number of child nodes
 public static int maxChildren = 26;

 public TrieNode() {
  this.isEndOfWord = false;
  this.children = new TrieNode[maxChildren];

 public void markAsEnd() {
  this.isEndOfWord = true;

 public void unmarkAsEnd() {
  this.isEndOfWord = false;

3. Describe the structure of the trie class that represents the trie data structure? Write a program that represents a trie data structure.



A trie class internally uses the trie node (created in previous question) and provides functions to insert a word, delete a word, and search for a word.

A trie class contains a root note which is null, and has 26 child nodes, each of which may be null or may point to another trie node.


  • Attributes
    • rootNode: The starting node of the trie data structure which is always null
  • Methods
    • initialization(): initialize rootNode.
    • insert(String word): Insert a word into the trie data structure.
    • delete(String word): Delete a word from the trie data structure.
    • search(String word): Search for a word in the trie data structure.


public class Trie {
 //root node
 public TrieNode rootNode;

 public Trie() {
  this.rootNode = new TrieNode();

 public void insert(String word) {

 public void search(String word) {

 public void delete(String word) {

4. How do you insert a word into the trie data structure? Write a function that inserts a word into a trie data structure.


Here we will implement the logic for the insert() function that we defined in the trie class in the previous question.

Implementation logic

To insert a word into a trie data structure, we will take each character of the word, beginning from the first character, and check if it already exists in the trie path (prefix path). If it does not exist, we will add a new node to the prefix path. If it is the end of the word we will set the end of word flag to true.


  • Set current node to root node
  • For each character of the word
    • Find the index position of the character (0...25)
    • Check if current node has a child node at the index position
    • If not found
      • Create new node at this index position
    • Set current node to the child node at index position
  • For the last node, set isEndOfWord flag to true.


public class Trie {
 //root node
 public TrieNode rootNode;

 public Trie() {
  this.rootNode = new TrieNode();

 public void insert(String word) {
  //set current node to root node
  TrieNode currentNode = rootNode;
  int position = 0;
  //for each character of the word
  for (int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++) {
   //find the index position
   position = word.charAt(i) - 'a';
   //If current node does not have a child node at the index position
   if (null == currentNode.children[position]) {
   //create new node
    currentNode.children[position] = new TrieNode();
   //set current node to new child node
   currentNode = currentNode.children[position];
  //mark last node as end of word
  currentNode.isEndOfWord = true;

 public void search(String word) {

 public void delete(String word) {

5. How do you search for a word in the trie data structure? Write a function that searches for a word in a trie data structure.


Here we will implement the logic for the search() function that we defined in the trie class in the previous question.

Implementation logic

To search for a word in a trie data structure, we will take each character of the word, beginning from the first character, and check if it exists in the trie path (prefix path). If all characters exits in a prefix path, i.e. each character node is a child of the previous character node then the word exists, else the word does not exist in the trie data structure.


1. Validate input word is not null
2. Set current node to root node
3. For each character of the word
  4. Find the index position of the character (0...25)
  5. Check if current node has a child node at the index position
  6. If found, set child node as the current node
  7. If not found, return false
8. Return true if endOfWord is true for the last node


public boolean search(String word) {
 //1. Validate input word is not null
 if (word==null) {
  return false;
 //2. Set current node to root node
 TrieNode currentNode = rootNode;
 int position = 0;
 //3. For each character of the word
 for (int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++) {
  //4. Find the index position of the character with reference to 'a' which is at index 0
  position = word.charAt(i) - 'a';
  //5. Check if current node has a child node at the index position
  if (currentNode.children[position]!=null) {
   //6. If found, set child node as the current node
   currentNode = currentNode.children[position];
  } else {
   //7. If not found, return false
   return false;
 //8. Return true if endOfWord is true for the last node
 return currentNode.isEndOfWord;

6. How do you delete a word in the trie data structure? Write a function that deletes a word in a trie data structure.


Here we will implement the logic for the delete() function that we defined in the trie class in the previous question.

Implementation logic

To delete a word in a trie data structure, we will take each character of the word, beginning from the first character, and check if it exists. If it exists and has no child nodes then we delete this node. If it exists and has child nodes, and isEndOfWord falg is true, then we set this to flag is false.

1. Validate input word is not null
2. Set current node to root node
3. For each character of the word
  4. Find the index position of the character (0...25)
  5. Check if current node has a child node at the index position
  6. If found, set child node as the current node
  7. If not found, return false
8. If current node does not have child nodes then delete node.

9. If current node has isEndOfWord flag as true, then set it to false.


public boolean search(String word) {
 //1. Validate input word is not null
 if (word==null) {
  return false;
 //2. Set current node to root node
 TrieNode currentNode = rootNode;
 int position = 0;
 //3. For each character of the word
 for (int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++) {
  //4. Find the index position of the character with reference to 'a' which is at index 0
  position = word.charAt(i) - 'a';
  //5. Check if current node has a child node at the index position
  if (currentNode.children[position]!=null) {
   //6. If found, set child node as the current node
   currentNode = currentNode.children[position];
  } else {
   //7. If not found, return false
   return false;
 //8. Return true if endOfWord is true for the last node
 return currentNode.isEndOfWord;
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